
A Study of Manifold Garden

I recently spent about a week and a half making a demo for my portfolio recreating the core mechanics from the game Manifold Garden. If you haven't seen the original it's a personal favorite and you should check it out. You can find a build of my demo below.
Download Build


I organized and led a team of five for Ludum Dare 43 and ended up having a blast making this cute and disturbing game. While you can play the webgl version in a browser on the Itch or Ludum Dare pages below, it's best experienced with a build.
Download Build

More Things I've Made

My Ludum Dare Submissions
Itch.io Projects I've Worked On
GitHub GitHub
GitLab GitLab

About Me

I've been making indie games in my free time for about six years while working in Cloud Security. I primarily use Unity and C#, but I've also tinkered with other engines and languages.

For the past couple of years my wife and I have been building and finishing a house we designed on a few acres in Southwest Washington. When she can pry me away from my computer I enjoy working on projects like building a chicken coop for our 12 chickens. She is a photographer and thoroughly documents everything on our Instagram.

Other Creative Endeavors

A video of me making a chicken coop. Filmed and edited by me.

A video of my wife making a cake. Filmed by her, edited by me.

A trailer for a film I pitched. Edited by me. I'm still waiting to hear back from Jonah Hill. I think he lost my number. Jonah pls call me.